Create your own whitelabel marketplace that enables users to buy and sell any digital assets.


import { ThirdwebSDK } from "@thirdweb-dev/sdk";

const sdk = new ThirdwebSDK("{{chainName}}");
const contract = await sdk.getContract("{{contract_address}}", "marketplace");


  • Marketplace


  • UpdateableNetwork


  • Parameters

    • network: NetworkInput
    • address: string
    • storage: ThirdwebStorage<IpfsUploadBatchOptions>
    • options: undefined | {
          clientId?: string;
          gasSettings?: { maxPriceInGwei?: number | undefined; speed?: "standard" | "fast" | "fastest" | undefined; };
          gasless?: ({ openzeppelin: { relayerUrl: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string | undefined; useEOAForwarder?: boolean | undefined; domainName?: string | undefined; domainVersion?: string | undefined; }; experimentalChainlessSupport?: boolean | undefined; }) | ({ biconomy: { apiId: string; apiKey: string; deadlineSeconds?: number | undefined; }; }) | ({ engine: { relayerUrl: string; }; });
          gatewayUrls?: string[];
          readonlySettings?: { rpcUrl: string; chainId?: number | undefined; };
          secretKey?: string;
          supportedChains?: ({ rpc: string[]; chainId: number; nativeCurrency: { symbol: string; name: string; decimals: number; }; slug: string; })[];
      } = {}
    • abi: objectInputType<{
          inputs: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
              components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
              name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
              stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
              type: ZodString;
          }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
              components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
              name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
              stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
              type: ZodString;
          }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
              components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
              name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
              stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
              type: ZodString;
          }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
          name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
          outputs: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
              components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
              name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
              stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
              type: ZodString;
          }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
              components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
              name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
              stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
              type: ZodString;
          }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
              components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
                  name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
                  type: ZodString;
              }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
              name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
              stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
              type: ZodString;
          }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
          type: ZodString;
      }, ZodAny, "strip">[]
    • chainId: number
    • contractWrapper: ContractWrapper<Marketplace> = ...

    Returns Marketplace


_chainId: number
abi: objectOutputType<{
    inputs: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
        components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
        name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
        stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        type: ZodString;
    }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
        components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
        name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
        stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        type: ZodString;
    }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
        components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
        name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
        stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        type: ZodString;
    }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
    name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
    outputs: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
        components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
        name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
        stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        type: ZodString;
    }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
        components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
        name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
        stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        type: ZodString;
    }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
        components: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodObject<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodAny, objectOutputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">, objectInputType<{
            name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
            type: ZodString;
        }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
        name: ZodDefault<ZodString>;
        stateMutability: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        type: ZodString;
    }, ZodAny, "strip">>, "many">>;
    type: ZodString;
}, ZodAny, "strip">[]
allowListingFromAnyAsset: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Allow listings from any NFT contract


      • Rest ...args: []

      Returns Promise<TResult>

  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: []

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

allowListingFromSpecificAssetOnly: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Restrict listing NFTs only from the specified NFT contract address. It is possible to allow listing from multiple contract addresses.


      • Rest ...args: [contractAddress: string]

      Returns Promise<TResult>

  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [contractAddress: string]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

app: ContractAppURI<Marketplace>



Create and manage auctions in your marketplace.


// Data of the auction you want to create
const auction = {
// address of the contract the asset you want to list is on
assetContractAddress: "0x...",
// token ID of the asset you want to list
tokenId: "0",
// when should the listing open up for offers
startTimestamp: new Date(),
// how long the listing will be open for
listingDurationInSeconds: 86400,
// how many of the asset you want to list
quantity: 1,
// address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing
currencyContractAddress: NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS,
// how much people would have to bid to instantly buy the asset
buyoutPricePerToken: "10",
// the minimum bid that will be accepted for the token
reservePricePerToken: "1.5",

const tx = await;
const receipt = tx.receipt; // the transaction receipt
const listingId =; // the id of the newly created listing

// And on the buyers side:
// The price you are willing to bid for a single token of the listing
const pricePerToken = 2.6;
await, pricePerToken);
buyoutListing: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Purchase NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [listingId: BigNumberish, quantityDesired?: BigNumberish, receiver?: string]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Buy a Direct or Auction listing on your marketplace.


      // The listing ID of the asset you want to buy
      const listingId = 0;
      // Quantity of the asset you want to buy
      const quantityDesired = 1;

      await contract.buyoutListing(listingId, quantityDesired);
  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [listingId: BigNumberish, quantityDesired?: BigNumberish, receiver?: string]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

contractWrapper: ContractWrapper<Marketplace>

Direct listings


Create and manage direct listings in your marketplace.


// Data of the listing you want to create
const listing = {
// address of the NFT contract the asset you want to list is on
assetContractAddress: "0x...",
// token ID of the asset you want to list
tokenId: "0",
// when should the listing open up for offers
startTimestamp: new Date(),
// how long the listing will be open for
listingDurationInSeconds: 86400,
// how many of the asset you want to list
quantity: 1,
// address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing
currencyContractAddress: NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS,
// how much the asset will be sold for
buyoutPricePerToken: "1.5",

const tx = await;
const receipt = tx.receipt; // the transaction receipt
const listingId =; // the id of the newly created listing

// And on the buyers side:
// Quantity of the asset you want to buy
const quantityDesired = 1;
await, quantityDesired);
encoder: ContractEncoder<Marketplace>
estimator: GasCostEstimator<Marketplace>
events: ContractEvents<Marketplace>
makeOffer: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Make an offer for a Direct or Auction Listing


      • Rest ...args: [listingId: BigNumberish, pricePerToken: string | number, quantity?: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Make an offer on a direct or auction listing


      // The listing ID of the asset you want to offer on
      const listingId = 0;
      // The price you are willing to offer per token
      const pricePerToken = 0.5;
      // The quantity of tokens you want to receive for this offer
      const quantity = 1;

      await contract.makeOffer(
  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [listingId: BigNumberish, pricePerToken: string | number, quantity?: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

metadata: ContractMetadata<Marketplace, {
    deploy: ZodObject<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        platform_fee_basis_points: ZodDefault<ZodNumber>;
        platform_fee_recipient: ZodDefault<ZodUnion<[ZodType<string, ZodTypeDef, string>, ZodType<`0x${string}`, ZodTypeDef, `${string}.eth` | `${string}`>]>>;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
        trusted_forwarders: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodType<string, ZodTypeDef, string>, ZodType<`0x${string}`, ZodTypeDef, `${string}.eth` | `${string}`>]>, "many">>;
    }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
        app_uri?: string;
        description?: string;
        external_link?: string;
        image?: any;
        name: string;
        platform_fee_basis_points: number;
        platform_fee_recipient: string;
        social_urls?: Record<string, string>;
        trusted_forwarders: string[];
    }, {
        app_uri?: string;
        description?: string;
        external_link?: string;
        image?: any;
        name: string;
        platform_fee_basis_points?: number;
        platform_fee_recipient?: string;
        social_urls?: Record<string, string>;
        trusted_forwarders?: string[];
    input: ZodObject<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, "strip", ZodUnknown, objectOutputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">, objectInputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">>;
    output: ZodObject<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, "strip", ZodUnknown, objectOutputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">, objectInputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">>;

Type declaration

  • deploy: ZodObject<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        platform_fee_basis_points: ZodDefault<ZodNumber>;
        platform_fee_recipient: ZodDefault<ZodUnion<[ZodType<string, ZodTypeDef, string>, ZodType<`0x${string}`, ZodTypeDef, `${string}.eth` | `${string}`>]>>;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
        trusted_forwarders: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodType<string, ZodTypeDef, string>, ZodType<`0x${string}`, ZodTypeDef, `${string}.eth` | `${string}`>]>, "many">>;
    }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
        app_uri?: string;
        description?: string;
        external_link?: string;
        image?: any;
        name: string;
        platform_fee_basis_points: number;
        platform_fee_recipient: string;
        social_urls?: Record<string, string>;
        trusted_forwarders: string[];
    }, {
        app_uri?: string;
        description?: string;
        external_link?: string;
        image?: any;
        name: string;
        platform_fee_basis_points?: number;
        platform_fee_recipient?: string;
        social_urls?: Record<string, string>;
        trusted_forwarders?: string[];
  • input: ZodObject<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, "strip", ZodUnknown, objectOutputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">, objectInputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
            data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
            name: ZodString;
        }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }, {
            data?: any;
            name: string;
        }>]>, ZodString]>>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">>
  • output: ZodObject<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, "strip", ZodUnknown, objectOutputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">, objectInputType<{
        app_uri: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        description: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        external_link: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
        name: ZodString;
        social_urls: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodString>>;
    }, ZodUnknown, "strip">>
platformFees: ContractPlatformFee<Marketplace>
roles: ContractRoles<Marketplace, "admin" | "lister" | "asset">
setBidBufferBps: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Set the Auction bid buffer


      • Rest ...args: [bufferBps: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      A percentage (e.g. 5%) in basis points (5% = 500, 100% = 10000). A new bid is considered to be a winning bid only if its bid amount is at least the bid buffer (e.g. 5%) greater than the previous winning bid. This prevents buyers from making very slightly higher bids to win the auctioned items.


      // the bid buffer in basis points
      const bufferBps = 5_00; // 5%
      await contract.setBidBufferBps(bufferBps);
  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [bufferBps: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

setTimeBufferInSeconds: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Set the Auction Time buffer:


      • Rest ...args: [bufferInSeconds: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Measured in seconds (e.g. 15 minutes or 900 seconds). If a winning bid is made within the buffer of the auction closing (e.g. 15 minutes within the auction closing), the auction's closing time is increased by the buffer to prevent buyers from making last minute winning bids, and to give time to other buyers to make a higher bid if they wish to.


      // the time buffer in seconds
      const bufferInSeconds = 60;
      await contract.setTimeBufferInSeconds(bufferInSeconds);
  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [bufferInSeconds: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

storage: ThirdwebStorage<IpfsUploadBatchOptions>
contractRoles: readonly ["admin", "lister", "asset"] = MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT_ROLES



  • Get all the offers for a listing


    • listingId: BigNumberish

      the id of the listing to fetch offers for

    Returns Promise<Offer[]>


    Fetch all the offers for a specified direct or auction listing.


    const offers = await marketplaceContract.getOffers(listingId);
    const firstOffer = offers[0];

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